Friday, July 3, 2015

19 weeks

Nineteen weeks! Hard to believe! 

My time off for the summer is wrapping up, I'm feeling a little anxious about going back to work. Mostly because I don't usually have much time to pee, eat, etc. within the course of a workday due to seeing students back to back to back. But, looks like I'll just have to make it work! That may mean walking down the halls while eating snacks. The more I think about it, I don't know how teachers do it! They have to be with their students ALL DAY LONG and barely have a chance to use the restroom. When I'm waiting in line for the bathroom at my schools, I try to let the teachers go ahead of me because I know they have limited time away from the kids. At least I have moments of freedom in between students! 

Anyway, this week I focused on navigating the ins and outs of baby "stuff". So many pieces of equipment that it's hard to know what is a need versus just some cool piece of technology. I don't want to buy a bunch of things that ultimately get used once or twice both because I don't want to spend unnecessary amounts of money and I don't want big bulky things taking up lots of real estate... unless, of course, they are being used! So I've been researching in preparation for going to register sometime in the near future!  

I am starting to feel bigger. Like any time I have to bend down, it feels like I get out of breath. Getting comfortable to sleep is also becoming a challenge. I use at least 4 pillows to try and prop myself up. I'm a little tired of sleeping on the same side all night long but I am glad to report that if I go to sleep that way, I usually end up that way. I'm not a big toss and turner (is that a term?). 

I searched for an entire day (on top of hours and hours) for the perfect little accent rug for the nursery. I just had a vision of what I wanted and apparently rug designers and I do not share the same vision... it doesn't exist. I did find one that I thought would work. So I bought it. I might have settled but I was so tired of looking and my feet were hurting! 

My mom and I went shopping for a pegboard this week for the nursery. I want a boyish nursery and I thought this would be a cute way to achieve that look and also be functional! Here it is, hanging over the dresser/changing table. I haven't filled it up with all the things I want it to have, but there's time for that. I did add some baskets for storage! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh; I love the peg board! What a great idea.We are so excited for our little guy to get here. Have you decided on the glider yet?


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