Monday, June 22, 2015

18 weeks

This was a big week! We had our anatomy scan and got to see our little baby on the big screen again! We were both pumped :) I was a little nervous, just praying that all was healthy and Ian was so great about calming me down. 

Our prayers were answered and all looked well at the scan. Looks like we are growing a healthy baby......... 


We are absolutely thrilled and can't wait to see how much joy this little man brings to our lives. He was not very cooperative so we couldn't get a good 3D shot of his face, but we saw his little fingers, toes, heart, other organs, the lenses of his eyes-- crazy! 

Milestone this week: I felt (and saw) him kicking me!!! Coolest thing ever. I felt it first at dinner the day of our scan. Now he moves around a lot at night when I lay down for bed and I am losing sleep over just staring at my belly and waiting to see those little kicks. 

I'm still feeling good, I've had a few headaches and have been a little tired. But other than that, no complaints! I'm trying to soak up what's left of my summer break before going back to work. And working on getting the nursery together as much as possible before I go back. We now have all of the furniture we need with the exception of a chair/glider of some sort. I'm not ready to pull the trigger on that one ($$$$$)! 

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you both. We love you all so much.
    we can't wait for our little man to make his appearance!


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