Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Nightstand makeover

In my previous post about bargain hunting, you saw these nightstands:

I got each one for $10. $10 people!!! I knew I wanted to refinish them, and I also knew I didn't have much to lose if something went wrong! I've been wanting a black bedroom set lately. I found one on a yard sale website that I fell in love with... I was looking around the house trying to figure out what I could sell in order to afford it. It was $1200... but it was beautiful!!! It was sold before I had the chance to sell my left leg in order to make it mine. So after mourning, I picked myself up and proceeded to plan B. Piece together my own bedroom set for way less than $1200. With these nightstands that cost $20 altogether, I'd say I'm on the right track! 

The first step was to sand the top of each one. They were pretty beat up on the tops, with cup rings, dents, and dings. All of that sanded right off! 

Then I applied a coat of Kilz primer:

The next step was to spray paint them. I used black Rustoleum spray paint in a satin finish. Each nightstand took almost 2 cans. 

Lastly, I applied a coat of Minwax paste finishing wax. I had never used this before. Typically, I would have used some type of polyurethane, but I have had bad experiences with polyurethane being sticky (maybe I did something wrong). So I decided to try wax. So far, I love it!!! I will let you know how it does in terms of durability. But the application was painless. You just rub a thin layer on, let it sit for 10-15 minutes, and buff it back off. 10-15 minutes is way better than waiting forever for polyurethane to dry so that alone makes me like wax better! 

I ordered new hardware for the nightstands. I wanted the hardware to match so they would look more like they belong together since they don't match. At Lowe's, these cup handles were almost $4 a piece. I found a 10-pack on for $25 ($2.50/piece). Thank you Amazon!! And I'll be needing all ten plus six more for my future projects! 

Drumroll, please........

$10 for the nightstand, $5 for the hardware, and 2 cans of spray paint which cost approximately $5 each! = $25

Here is a picture with the little lock piece added back on. I sprayed it silver, but I almost think I should go back and paint it black. Any thoughts??

Thanks for looking!!! :)

While you're here, feel free to check out my other posts here:
DIY Wall Art
DIY Front Porch Sign Holder
DIY Porch Welcome Sign
Our Staircase Makeover Project (in process) plus how we updated our Oak Banister
DIY Chevron Burlap Yard Flag

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