Sunday, April 21, 2013

A few of my favorite things

I was feeling like shopping yesterday, without spending a lot of money. There was an antique festival in town but I knew I needed to stay far from that! I tend to lean toward furniture purchases at antique stores and I wasn't in a position to spend that kind of money. I also didn't have Mr. Crane's truck to transport anything... but if I wanted something badly enough, those who know me know I would have found a way!!!

So I went to our local Habitat for Humanity Restore, Goodwill, and Hancock fabrics.

I only spent $30 and I feel like I got some good deals!

Here is what I came home with:
-Big puke-colored vase $6.99 (Goodwill)
-Clear pitcher $2.99 (Goodwill)
-Stack of books $3 (Restore, they were buy one get one free... I got 5 because I can never find just one more that I like to get for free!)
-Brown basket $6 (Restore)
-Clear bird $3.99 (Hancock, on sale from $9.99)
-White basket with chalkboard $6.99 (Hancock, on sale from $9.99)

Total: $30, give or take for tax

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